
Energy  production from renewable sources means concretely reducing the polluting impact of the energy system and preserving environmental resources.

Since 2011 Simel S.p.A. Installed a photovoltaic plant with output of 200 Kw with immediate use of the energy produced during the production cycle.

750 tons of CO2 emissions  into the atmosphere has been saved since 2011 by Simel spa

Since 2017, all the energy purchased is coming  exclusively  from renewable sources: Hydroelectric




The lighting system is entirely made with LED technology, the plants and working islands are fully recovered.

Separate collection of waste is carried out inside the plant; Special waste disposal  is exclusively made by companies of primary importance in the territory.

Since 2011 Simel main target and Vision is to dedicate primary attention and respect to Environmental and healthy Ambient

> 100% Renewable Energy Certificate

> Renewable Energy Purchasing Certificate 2017